Translate into Chinese.(1) Microwaves are normally considered to embrace the frequency range 109-1012 Hz or a characteristic wavelength range of 30 cm to 0.3 mm.(2) The study of electromagnetic radiation is an exact science because it can be represented exactly by mathematical expressions.(3) Microwaves are necessary for communication with satellites because they can pass through the ionosphere which reflects lower frequency radio waves.(4) The rate of microwave power absorption in most materials is proportional to its water content. This property can be used to provide microwave heating. Because the microwave signal penetrates most non-conductors, microwave power provides a most efficient means of applying heat uniformly throughout a body.(5)Microwaves are potentially hazardous because of their heating effect. The effect may not be felt until damage has already been done because the heating may be internal whereas our body is designed to warm us about externally applied heat.(6) For seismic signals traveling through a portion of the earth and picked up by appropriate transducers , one can extract from their particular shape and appearance information concerning the underlying strata. 评分规则: 翻译要求:信达雅 项目二 数字信号处理 数字信号处理单元测试
